Emergency Service Restoration
When disaster strikes and the lights go out, we are suddenly made aware of our dependence on electric power for every element of our daily lives. Concurrent is always on standby, ready to provide fast, dependable emergency restoration services using a skilled, experienced work force and extensive fleet of the specialized equipment needed to get the power flowing again.
Concurrent’s Service Restoration program is managed by industry leaders who have provided storm restoration services to twenty of the major US utilities. Our Executive Team has decades of successful, hands-on storm program management experience providing fast restoration in the wake of numerous hurricanes as well as tropical and winter storms.
Concurrent has its own in-house system for efficiently tracking our crews and work orders assigned for increased efficiency in times of emergency. Concurrent can deliver – on short-notice – experienced restoration crews, properly equipped and ready to respond to any service interruptions.
In the interconnected, technology driven world we live in today, emergency storm service is a lot more than simply getting the lights back on, it’s a restoration of our way of life. Concurrent’s mission is to keep the electricity flowing by providing grid hardening/resiliency services to utilities every day to minimize damage before disaster strikes – and unparalleled emergency restoration when it does.